Wudang TaiHe Staff Seminar at Little Creek KungFu, Petersburg, VA. June 29 & 30, 2019

Wudang TaiHe Staff Seminar
Saturday and Sunday, June 29 & 30, 2019,
9:30am to 4;30pm, with 2 hours lunch break

Little Creek KungFu, Petersburg, VA.


Only $150 until June 1st!
$200 after June 1st,
space limited

Wudang TaiHe Staff

Wudang TaiHe Staff, created by Wudang Mountain Taoist priest Master Jing in 1980s.
Master Jing is living in TaiHe Temple on Wudang Heaven Pillar Peak.
Master Jing also created TaiHe Quan.
太和“TaiHe” means Great Harmony.

Tai He Gun, List of Movements

 1.旱地拔葱  Pull up the green onion from the dry fields 
2.风扫落叶  wind blows the falling leaves 
3.抽梁换柱  pull out the girder and change the pillar 
4.横扫群妖  sweep off all the demons 
5.凤凰点头  phoenix nodding 
6.猛虎上山  fierce tiger going up the mountain 
7.回头望月  turn around and watch the moon 
8.英雄架棍  the hero blocks with a staff 
9.跳转马步  turn and jump to a horse stance 
10.沉香劈山 ChenXiang splits the mountain 
11.退步盖打 step back and chop 
12.黑狗钻裆 black dog drills under the crotch 
13.狮子摇头 lion shakes it's head 
14.反手背打 backward hit 
15.游山玩景 hanging around on the mountain and enjoying the view 
16.翻身盖打 turn over and chop 
17.黑狗钻裆 black dog drills under the crotch 
18.插步舞花 cross step and swing staff 
19.左舞花  swing staff left 
20.左插步  left cross step 
21.右舞花  swing staff right 
22.右插步  right cross step 
23.左开门  open the door to the left 
24.右开门  open the door to the right 
25.凤凰点头 phoenix nodding 


Video of Wudang TaiHe Staff

Wudang TaiHe Staff with Master Bing
Wudang TaiHe Staff with Master Bing
Wudang Master Jing

Wudang Master Jing