Long Hua Quan (Wudang Dragon Form)
Longhua Quan (Wudang Dragon Form) includes 28 movements. WudangMountain is comprised of both Northern & Southern Kungfu traditions. The Southern tradition is focused on hand to hand combat, while the Northern tradition is most famous for their leg work. Longhua Quan is from Northern Wudang & is mainly known for its intricate leg movements. When practicing this form we can see the dragon's characteristics as well as its courage. watch Long Hua Quan Video here
- Qing long chu shui liang zhua shi: The auspicious dragon comes out of the water and shows its paws1、青龙出水亮爪式
Zhuan shen tan zhua qin na shi: Turn around the body with the gesture of capture2、转身探爪擒拿式
Tui shou shan shen chuan hou zhang: Pull hands and dodge the body and pounce on sideways3、推手闪身贯耳捶
Qin shou pi mian po xi tong lei tui: Raise up the hand and chop along the direction of the other part’s face, kick with the straight leg to the ribs4、擒手劈面破膝通肋腿
Tui shou shan shen chuan hou zhang: Pull the hand, dodge the body thrust the other party’s throat5、推手闪身穿喉掌
Shuang zhua long zhua cui lei zhang: Grasp the ribs of the other party with two paws which are like those of dragon6、双爪龙抓摧肋掌
Huang long yao shen bai wei: the yellow dragon roll its body and swing its tail 7、黄龙摇身摆尾拳
Ya shou feng mian tong du fan lei jiao: Kick with two hands in a lower position, seal the face, kick to the position of the other party’s stomach8、压手封面通肚反肋脚
Cai shou lian huan duo zi: Grasp the other party’s hand and kick with continuous feet9、采手连环跺子
Yao qin ji zhua chong mian tong lei tui: Roll, capture, blow, grasp and kick to the other party’s ribs face to face10、摇擒击爪冲面通肋腿
Bai lian shou shan shen shi: Swing the lotus’ head and with the gesture of dodging11、摆莲首闪身式
Ya shou dian quan che lun fan shen tan zhua: Dot the fist with the hands in a lower position then explore the paws with the body turning around like wheels12、压手点拳车轮反身探爪
Shan shen guan er chui: Dodge and pounce sideways 13、闪身贯耳捶
Feng mian po xi lian huan hou tong tui: Seal the face, kick to the ribs backwards with the straight leg14、封面破膝连环后通腿
Bai lian tong du zhong feng shi: Kick the opposite’s abdomen with the zhong feng gesture just like swing the lotus15、摆莲通肚中风势
Fan shen ti shuai dao shi: Return and jump with the falling gesture16、返身提摔倒式
Qian hou lian huan chong lei quan: Beat the opposite’s ribs continually with the fist17、前后连环冲肋拳
Pi mian shan shen han xiong chong lei quan: Beat the opposite’s face while dodging the body, beating the ribs with chest in18、劈面闪身含胸冲肋拳
Feng shou wo du tong lei quan: seal the hands and heel kick forward19、封手窝肚通肋腿
Qing long fan shen liang zhua shi: The auspicious dragon turns its body back and shows its claws 20、青龙返身亮爪式
Qin shou beng chui tong lei lian huan sao lei tui: Capture the opposite’s hands and upper chop the other party’s ribs, then kick to the ribs continually21、擒手崩捶通肋连环扫肋脚
Long xing yao shou lian huan tao zhang; Walk like dragon swing the hands and beat continually with the palm22、龙行摇手连环套掌
Zuo you shan bu chong lei quan: Beat to the opponent’s ribs with the fists dodging the body to the right and left sides23、左右闪步冲肋拳
Mo yun dian lei quan: Touch the cloud and dot the opponent’s ribs24、摸云点肋拳
Qiao bu lian huan zhang cheng bu: 25、跷步连环掌蹭步
Wo du tong lei fan shen bai lian jiao: Heel kick forward and turn around the body and then kick like swing the lotus26、窝肚通肋返身摆莲脚
Jin long yao shen qian shui shi: The golden dragon swings the body with the diving gesture27、金龙摇身潜水式
Shou shi: Contract 28、收势